The Creative Success Pyramid

The Creative Success Pyramid is the model I use to help writers get clarity in their work, develop an audience, and launch their work in a meaningful way. This is it, you can click on the image to download a full-sized PDF:


Creative Success PyramidIt’s composed of seven basic parts; you start at the bottom and work your way to the top:

  1. Define your identity for what you create and why.
  2. Find  your ideal audience.
  3. Develop your channels, building the platform that opens pathways to your work.
  4. Connect with your ideal audience.
  5. Launch and market your work.
  6. Establish systems to find more time and focus.
  7. Find fulfillment and growth in your creative work.

This methodology is meant to tie together the many disparate aspects of what it means to share your work and engage an audience. But what’s more, it should feel authentic and meaningful to you as well.

You can this video where I walk through the Creative Success Pyramid:

If you want to explore working with me on applying all of this to your work, learn more about how I work with writers here.