Substack Workshop November 10 2023

Dan Blank

Launch & Grow Your Email Newsletter on Substack

Join me for a workshop that will examine the step-by-step process to launch or grow your email newsletter. Receive the full workshop recording (70 minutes), plus Q&A recording (30 minutes), as well as a Substack setup from scratch walkthrough video (40 minutes.) All for the one-time fee of $49.

Time and time again, successful writers tell me that their biggest regret is not starting an email newsletter sooner. Why? Because they know that their newsletter has become the primary way that they:

  1. Get reviews for their books.
  2. Develop an engaged audience of actual readers, not faceless “followers.”
  3. Focus their author platform on the thing they love most: writing.
  4. Encourage pre-orders for their books.
  5. Find new opportunities around their writing.
  6. Have a public voice as a writer that feels authentic and strategic.

I have worked full-time with writers for more than 13 years, helping thousands of them launch and optimize their email newsletters. I have also published my own weekly email newsletter for more than 17 years. This session will be packed with actionable strategies, clear examples, and advice that comes from in-the-trenches experience with writers.

Newsletters are not just a way to “email news to people.” They can have a huge impact on finding your readers, keeping them engaged with your writing, and selling books.

I will share specific advice for creating and growing your newsletter on Substack – a platform that is supercharging newsletter growth for writers more than any other I’ve seen.

Here is something that one writer that I have worked with shared about the importance of her newsletter, which is hosted on Substack:

And this is what the growth of her newsletter has looked like over time:

Every person who subscribes to her is choosing to do so, and they are loving what she is sharing. This is the power of newsletters.

Of course, I can’t promise specific results, but I can share the critical factors that I have found lead to a newsletter’s success after years of helping writers with theirs.

I have worked across all of the major newsletter platforms over the years. Nowadays, for most writers, I tend to recommend they use Substack to run their newsletter. In this workshop, I will talk about why that is, and specific tips I have for getting the most out of Substack.

Launch or Optimize Your Email Newsletter.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • Why email newsletters are a powerful tool for writers.
  • The reason readers love email newsletters, even if you dislike them.
  • When to start your newsletter.
  • Why I recommend Substack for most writers, and an introduction to it.
  • How to define a clear purpose for your newsletter.
  • How to create a title and description for your newsletter.
  • How often to send a newsletter.
  • What to share in a newsletter, and the most common content types to consider.
  • My system for creating newsletter content that gives you an endless amount of content aligned to the purpose of your newsletter.
  • How to reduce the amount of time it takes to create each newsletter.
  • How to increase open rates and engagement.
  • How to get consistent with your newsletter without the stress.
  • How to get more readers and subscribers, even if you are starting from zero.
  • How to consider if you should have a paid tier to your newsletter.
  • Tactics and strategies to encourage growth in how many paid subscribers you have.
  • The biggest factors in newsletter success.
  • The biggest mistakes people make with newsletters.

All recordings are accessible for 30 days after registration so you have time to review again and again and take action.

Bonus! All who register will also receive an additional 40-minute video where I walk you through how to create a Substack account from scratch. You will look over my shoulder as I show you how I do this for myself and clients.

In working with writers for so long, I have come to believe information alone will not help you reach your goals of ensuring you develop the platform you need, which is why I am offering other ways to ensure you take action and get the help you need to by getting direct feedback from me.

Choose one of these three options:

Workshop + Q&A

  • Workshop Recording (70 minutes)
  • Q&A Recording (30 minutes)
  • Bonus Substack setup video

You get access to the live workshop, where I will present for about an hour, followed by a live Q&A. You can ask questions via the live chat with all of the other attendees. Since I know many people often can’t make a live event, I will be sending out the video replay soon after the live event.


Workshop + Q&A + Feedback

  • Workshop Recording (70 minutes)
  • Q&A Recording (30 minutes)
  • Bonus Substack setup video
  • Newsletter Goal & Challenge Audit
  • Personalized Recommendations via Video

Here you get everything from the previous package (Workshop + Q&A), plus direct private feedback from me about your work. I will send you a questionnaire to fill out, and then provide  specific recommendations delivered to you via a private video, likely 10 minutes in length or so. This is shared only with you.


(only 10 spots available!)

Workshop + Q&A + Feedback + Call

  • Workshop Recording (70 minutes)
  • Q&A Recording (30 minutes)
  • Bonus Substack setup video
  • Newsletter Goal & Challenge Audit
  • Personalized Recommendations via Video
  • A 30-Minute Call with Dan

Here you receive everything from the first two packages, plus you will also have a 30-minute phone call with me where you can ask additional questions, and I will provide feedback and ideas with you. This is where all of my feedback tends to be much more personalized and focused on your specific challenges and goals.


(only 5 spots available!)

Dan Blank

My name is Dan Blank, and I help writers develop a human-centered approach to marketing and reaching their readers. I have worked with thousands of writers, and watched how my system has created momentum and growth in how they share their writing, establish their author platform, and grow their readership.

I believe that writers have this magical ability to create stories and help others. Connecting their work to people in an authentic manner is an imperative that makes life better for everyone. For the past 13 years, I have worked full-time with thousands of writers and creators.

What Writers Are Saying About This Workshop

“Writers are continually being told you need to go viral or you need to get a big post to sell books. It makes marketing very stressful. This workshop reminded me that it’s about content and relationships, not just on Substack but on the all social media platforms I’m on. Knowing how to focus my actions like this will save me a lot of stress and make my online presence more productive.”
– Barbara Wallace

“Having used both Mailchimp and Constant Contact some years ago, I came away convinced that Substack was the platform that best suits my needs today. Dan explained every aspect of the setup and operation – for me he took away the fear of change, and showed me a better way. Whether you’re launching your first newsletter or simply looking to transfer to a new one, Dan covers it all. Very comprehensive.”
– Carol Malzone

“Dan, in his friendly, approachable manner, gives an introduction into what Substack looks like on the inside, including how other creatives use it – which makes it feel safe for those of us who are easily overwhelmed. His ideas on what we might write about and focus on those new to newsletter writing in general helped me knock down the barriers to getting started.”
– Nita Collins

“What Dan shares is so pragmatic, and he shows you how easy the switch to Substack can be. He got me excited, and I’ve already taken so many actions to improve my newsletter.”
– Dawn Downey

“Dan provides an accessible way into Substack, with solid suggestions on how to get started, introduction to the available tools, how it can grow your community and connections, and finally the big revelation….you can get paid to write! He makes Substack easier.”
– Anny Rusk

“Dan makes me feel as though I can do new things even though they are scary. Until this workshop, digging into Substack felt scary to me, even though I experienced with newsletters on another platform already. Dan makes it really easy to understand what Substack is and how it works.”
– Cara Finnegan

“This workshop was an excellent value. Dan has a great approach and shared so many useful ideas in a relaxed manner.”
– Fleur Bradley

“I recommend Dan’s workshop to anyone considering a newsletter. He’s highly knowledgeable and presents in a friendly manner. Loved the workshop!”
– Patricia Tucker

“I would recommend this workshop as one of the first steps in starting a newsletter. I appreciated Dan’s consistent, down-to-earth, and heart-centered messaging.”
– Sherry Killam

“Throughout the workshop, I kept thinking: ‘this is so logical and helpful!’ The ideas Dan shares will surprise you, there are so many gems.”
– Christine DeSmet

“Dan made this entire process feel really attainable. The workshop shares information in a manner that was clear and not at all intimidating. It gave me lots of ideas!”
– Fran Mason

“If you are looking for more than just a newsletter but an alternative and welcoming social community to engage readers and writers, check out Dan’s workshop on Substack.”
– Monica Cox

“Dan helped me create my Substack newsletter! He gave step-by-step instructions, and was clear about the pros and cons, as well as how to grow my audience.”
– Gina Monaco

“This workshop provided all the information you need to start a newsletter on Substack. Dan clearly shared the benefits, and provided useful tips for coming up with ideas for your content.”
– Deborah Bayer

“If you want a terrific newsletter on Substack or anywhere else, this workshop provides great and actionable information.”
– Lynn H. Wyvil

“A terrific overview to the role and importance of a newsletter in an author’s career, with an emphasis on using Substack. I had so many takeaways from this – the workshop was very well thought out and comprehensive.”
– Celine Keating

“This workshop was a great place to start with your email newsletter, and not be overwhelmed. I liked how all of Dan’s suggestions aligned with his human-centered approach to sharing your writing.”
– Janice Kehler

“This workshop will help you understand how an email newsletter might benefit you and what is required to create and maintain one. There were so many great takeaways!”
– Rochelle  Broder-Singer

“Dan convinced me to switch to Substack. He’s incredibly knowledgeable and the presentation was engaging.”
– Lynn Stewart

“If you’ve considered starting a newsletter, this workshop will give you a great foundation and motivation.”
– Leigh Gray

“If you’re interested in setting up a Substack newsletter, this workshop gives you what you need to understand the platform and get going. Dan provided practical tips to set up a newsletter and grow your readership.”
– Susan J Tweit

“If you don’t yet have a newsletter, or you have one but know it needs work, the workshop is a rich source of ideas and information to get you started (or get you revamping).”
– Dianna Sinovic

“I’ve been considering a newsletter for a few years, but really needed something fairly intuitive. This workshop was the kick in the butt I needed to take the plunge!Dan’s built his business by helping writers — let him help you take the first step. You’ll be off and running before you know it.”
– Melanie Marttila

“You can always expect a workshop by Dan Blank to be overflowing with practical information, but also inspiring and encouraging. He always makes me believe I can do this stuff. I’m full of excitement for my newsletter!”
– Judy Reeves

“If you are curious about Substack, and want to understand it inside and out, this is a great workshop. Dan’s enthusiasm made this seem easy and do-able.”
– LuLu Johnson

“Dan’s workshop is packed with actionable information, all of which should help disperse any fears and hesitation you have to growing your email newsletter.”
– John Walker

“This workshop was very informative! Dan shared his 18+ years worth of knowledge and experience writing newsletters, and offered helpful advice for both new and veteran newsletter writers.”
– Colleen Olle

“Dan clarifies the value, illustrates the process, and alleviates the anxiety of stepping into the unknown. He made me feel at ease about setting up my Substack newsletter, and the value it may bring.”
– Sharon Skinner

“I appreciated getting a behind-the-scenes, under-the-hood type of look at Substack newsletters. Dan’s workshop provided lots of good information and actionable ideas.”
– Wendy Kennar

“Goodness, I took pages and pages of notes! Some of the how-tos with Substack were very helpful for a newbie. I appreciated the insights about frequency, content, and making it sustainable.”
– Barb Mayes Boustead

“If you want to know how to develop a newsletter and be successful with it, take this workshop!”
– Kim Zach

“It’s a wealth of valuable information, presented by a very warm and knowledgeable expert!”
– Sue Granzella

“Dan keeps the human element in the picture and is great at clarifying issues related to sharing one’s creative output with others.”
– Larry F. Sommers

“This workshop was full of incredible content, and Dan was generous in his presentation. This couldn’t be more valuable — highly recommended to anyone who wants to start or grow their Substack newsletter.”
– Judith Fetterley

“Dan’s workshop was filled with value! He shares how a Substack newsletter can transform an author’s reach and impact.”
– Robin Blackburn McBride

“The workshop is an A to Z overview of Substack for beginners to those already using it. Dan shared so many aspects of Substack that I wasn’t aware of.”
– Monica Cardoza

“Dan’s workshop was fantastic! I get easily bored by these kinds of things as I’ve been writing and blogging for a while and I found LOTS of interesting ideas his your talk. Dan’s approach, manner and delivery were engaging and encouraging.”
– Katrin Schumann

“Dan Blank is the bomb! Okay, more than that. Basically, the workshop was clear, validating, and encouraging. Dan has a way of making all of it feel entirely manageable. What’s more: he made Substack feel like the community I’ve been waiting for as a writer — like we’re all in this together.”
– Maria Hanley

“As always, a wealth of information from Dan! This workshop is clear, easily comprehensible, and includes practical, relevant steps to take when approaching your author newsletter.”
– Susan Cabael

“Dan’s workshop opened up a whole new world of possibilities for how I communicate with my readers. I had heard about Substack but didn’t really understand how it was different than what is already out there. Dan clearly and concisely described what it was good for and what it was not good for and then proceeded to unfurl the many gifts of this new format. I left the workshop with so many new ideas. Things I had wondered about just fell into place, like a puzzle coming together. This workshop will lead you to action. I immediately made of list of next steps and am carrying them out one by one. Dan is a great teacher and so personable in his approach. He opened doors that I might have been fearful to enter without his guidance.”
– Marilyn Kay Hagar