Webinar: INBOX ZERO EVERY DAY: Take Back Control of Your Time and Attention
Wednesday December 20, 2017 2pm ET
Your email inbox – does it overflow with messages to the point where you always feel behind? Is it filled with people you need to get back to, but don’t; tasks you need to address, but delay. Is it a source of stress in your life?
If so, then your writing and art suffers because of it. Email saps you of the focus and energy that you should be putting into creative work.
Inbox Zero is my method of controlling the messages in your email, the ones directing your day and putting you in reaction mode. Learn to schedule your time using the technique of time blocking, allocating your precious creative time so your inbox isn’t constantly calling your name. Schedule your day to make the most of your energy and expectations – yours AND those of others. Join me for an instructive hour learning the system of Inbox Zero and time blocking to make the most of YOUR creative day.
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