Work With Me (v2 draft)

If you are looking for a transformation in your creative work — to finally launch your book, to once and for all have complete clarity on what you create and why, to know in your bones who your work is meant to reach, and how to do it — then you know that right now is your big chance.

Dan BlankOver the years, I have worked with thousands of writers and creative professionals to do the work necessary to successfully connect their vision to an engaged audience. They took action to ensure their message was heard, and it paid off.

The people I work with are:

  • consultingbusiness100Investing in their creative self and are tired of waiting for ‘someday’ to follow their dream: You know what you want to do, but you have no idea where to begin. You’re overwhelmed by what you don’t know, but you’re ready to get this show on the road and you need someone to hold you accountable and encourage you.
  • Launching books: novels, nonfiction works, memoirs and more. You have spent hundreds of hours crafting thousands of words, and now is the moment you want to ensure that these words are read. That the book reaches readers’ hearts and minds. Whether you are traditionally publishing or self-publishing, you’re ready to double-down.
  • consulting_booklaunch100Looking for an agent or publisher: You’ve completed a manuscript. It’s been edited and you’re ready to publish your work and share it with the world. But agents and publishers are passing because you don’t have a platform. They ask you where you are engaging with your audience, and you don’t have an answer. You want to know and create a platform.
  • consultingart100Starting creative businesses: you have a vision for developing a full or part-time business of your own. To take your creative work to the next level professionally, and use this as a springboard to a new career. This is about building the foundation for a new brand, a new phase in your career, a new profession, or a new entrepreneurial venture.
  • Selling art: paintings, jewelry, crafts, and so much else. Perhaps you are launching a shop on Etsy or developing a standalone business on your own website. You have layered meaning into an inspirational form, and you know this art can touch people’s lives, if only they could find it.
  • consultingproducts100Launching products: you have spent years building credentials and now want to launch products and services to help others, and create revenue streams. The key is launching the right products and services, in the right way, to the right people.
  • consultingshow100Preparing for a big show: this could be an event, gallery show for your art or photography, or other presentation of your work. There is a moment where the doors open and you hope a crowd rushes in — that when your work is embraced with open arms.
People come to me when they are ready to take action.

Some are just starting out, tired of waiting for “someday” to hit, and others are ready to build a strong foundation, and to truly take their work to the next level.

Let’s Solve Your Biggest Problems

I offer four packages focused on providing a creative transformation in your life. In each, I work with you each week to solve your biggest problems. I become a part of your team, and side-by-side, we work together to ensure your work has an impact.


Are you driven by a desire to pursue your creative work, but don’t know where to begin? Are you unsure of how to choose which of the many projects you are passionate about? Do you struggle to make this process feel like a positive and realistic? Then the Get Clarity Package is for you.

Imagine if you felt clarity instead of overwhelm each day, and that this clarity fueled how you are known for your creative work.

What if you could wake up every day knowing exactly what to work on? What if you could feel confident that you had a clear direction, and a system by which to take steps forward? That each day, each week, each month is building towards something meaningful. What if “some day” became this day?
Here we:

  • Clearly define your priorities and what success looks like. We define the transformation that you want to see in your life with total clarity.
  • Identify the milestones that matter for you to build a solid foundation for your creative work. Instead of dreaming about a distant goal, we outline practical accomplishments you can reach that put you on the road to success.
  • Craft a mission statement that helps you define what actions to take, and which to skip. You will be able to confidently describe your creative work with total clarity.
  • Create a bio that defines you and your work. Do you feel trapped by an identity other than your creative work? We change that once and for all — you get to claim your creative vision in a way that is authentic and real.
  • Set specific intentions and weekly practices that will create momentum in your creative work. I know you are busy, which is why we will identify the must-have habits you can establish each week, even if feel you have zero time or energy. In fact, you will find these new habits provide more energy — and add a spark to your days.

This three-month program has me working with you step-by-step through all of this.

Ready to get started? Email me at and let me know what you are working on, the big challenge you are facing, and/or how you hope I can help. I will follow up with you.

In the meantime, keep reading, and scroll down the page to see what others have to say about my work and learn more about me and my team.

I only take 6 clients per quarter. This is your chance to take meaningful action.


Are you unsure of how to use social media to reach your audience? Wait — are you unsure of who your ideal audience even is? Does your platform fall flat?

Your creative work deserves better than that.

Imagine if you finally understood who your audience is, how to reach them, and knew how to use the tools by which to do so. What if social media felt clear, easy and fun?

We get you there by:

  • We clearly identify who your ideal audience is. Does your vision of an audience seem distant and faceless, because you can’t articulate who they are or how to reach them? We define them with total clarity — you will feel as though you could easily identify this person and sit down to have an amazing conversation over a cup of coffee — one that is easy and fun. We create 3 personas of who represents your ideal audience. We then use these to identify the triggers that gets your audience’s attention and causes them to take action — to engage with and buy work like yours.
  • We conduct marketplace research to understand the landscape of how work succeeds in your specific niche. Are you worried you will be lost in the noise? Don’t be — we will map out exactly how your work fits into the marketplace in a way that attracts others. We research and clearly identify the 10 places you need to be online and off; 5 examples of comparable work that your audience will use as guideposts to discover your work; 3 mentors to learn from; and a list of 3 key needs and desires that engage your audience.
  • We do an audit of where you are, your resources, your messaging, your work, the ways you connect to your audience, your goals, and the key milestones you need to reach to turn the goals into reality. We will analyze your entire public presence (online and off) and identify core steps to establish it or improve it.
  • We create a rock solid social media strategy. We choose the social media channels that will reach your audience. Instead of spreading you thin across too many networks, we are going to identify the one or two that feel right, and double down on them. We are going to make it fresh and natural. We make it easy to know what to share, when, and how to truly connect with others on social media.
  • We make your website awesome — whether this is starting from scratch or simply improving one you already have. You are going to look at your website, and say, “Yep, that’s me!” with pride.
  • We develop core messaging to engage your exact right audience. Do you freeze up because you aren’t sure what to share online? Or have you shared updates and posts, but to zero effect? Here we focus in on what will engage your ideal audience and create a process to craft content that speaks to who you are, and what your ideal audience loves.
  • We decide if you need a newsletter or blog, and then create or optimize it if you do. I’ve launched hundreds of blogs, newsletters, and so much more — we will choose the channels that fuel your creative work, not sap it of energy.

This three-month program has me working with you step-by-step through all of this.

Ready to get started? Email me at and let me know what you are working on, the big challenge you are facing, and/or how you hope I can help. I will follow up with you.

In the meantime, keep reading, and scroll down the page to see what others have to say about my work and learn more about me and my team.

I only take 6 clients per quarter. This is your chance to take meaningful action.


Are you preparing for a big book launch, or to release your work to the world? Whether you are traditionally publishing or self-publishing, you know that this is your one chance to ensure that your work has an impact, that it reaches the right people.

Your Best Launch Package ensures you take the right actions ahead of launch to ensure your work reaches your ideal audience.

Imagine if you knew your launch was the best it could be.

Here we focus on the key actions that will help you best launch your work, and avoid all of the time-sucking “best practices” that leave you spinning your wheels, no further to your goal. We will:

  • Create a timeline that sets clear tasks and milestones leading up to launch, and makes you feel calm, focused and strategic. We look at everything that is possible, then choose the most effective, fun, and essential elements to double down on.
  • Clearly identify the influencers you need to reach, and establish a process to reach out to them. This isn’t about spamming people and becoming a “marketer.” It is about connecting with those who are as passionate as you are about the work you create, and the audience you hope to reach.
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan focused on realistic and meaningful actions. Here we dispose of obligatory “best practices” that don’t work, and instead pursue marketing ideas that will stand out. We develop a 3-6 month marketing strategy focused on powerful milestones of sharing your work, and ensuring that it reaches those you care about most.
  • Craft a social media ad strategy that never feels like you are “pushing” your book or creative work on others. This is all about sharing and enthusiasm.
  • Ensure that decision-making is easy: I advise on the many decision you have to make, such as whether or not you need to hire a publicist, whether you set up a launch event, and how do you move from launch mode to your next project.

Ready to get started? Email me at and let me know what you are working on, the big challenge you are facing, and/or how you hope I can help. I will follow up with you.

In the meantime, keep reading, and scroll down the page to see what others have to say about my work and learn more about me and my team.

I only take 6 clients per quarter. This is your chance to take meaningful action.


Are you trying to move to the next level in your creative career? Perhaps you are launching a business, developing courses or webinars, starting to coach others, or are otherwise doubling down on yourself as a creative professional. If this is you, then the Next Level Marketing Package is exactly what you need.

Imagine if you could finally take the steps necessary to move to the next level in your career. To no longer push your creative work to the side, but instead double down on your vision and firmly establish your identity.

Here we customize the strategies and development needed to take your career to the next level. This may include:

  • Developing service or product offerings that your target audience desperately desires, and drives revenue for you.
  • Create an income and revenue strategy so that you can go full-time with your creative work.
  • Identify collaborators who can help you scale quickly.
  • Increasing visibility in the marketplace in a way that is strategic and effective.
  • Develop productivity systems to manage it all.

Ready to get started? Email me at and let me know what you are working on, the big challenge you are facing, and/or how you hope I can help. I will follow up with you.

In the meantime, keep reading, and scroll down the page to see what others have to say about my work and learn more about me and my team.

I only take 6 clients per quarter. This is your chance to take meaningful action.

What Others Have Said About My Work

Joanna Penn“Dan blends his years of experience in the publishing industry with a calm and engaging style, helping authors to develop their voice and reach readers more effectively.”
– Joanna Penn, New York Times & USA Today bestselling thriller author


Joseph Finder“Dan Blank is a savvy strategist whose insights really helped me to stay much better connected to my readers and spread the word about my books.”
– Joseph Finder, New York Times bestselling author of The Fixer, Paranoia, and Buried Secrets


“Dan is the best kind of guide in that he helped me find one simple thing: how to be me. Whether I’m tweeting, speaking or posting, I now know why I’m doing it. More importantly, I also decided what I’m not doing. And that leaves more time for writing.”
– Claire Cameron, author of the The Bear: A Novel


“Dan helped me find focus my goals, determine my target audience (and how to reach them), and try new social media approaches that paid off right away. I feel like I’ve regained control of my schedule: I now know what marketing I want to accomplish each day, and have clear goals for the months ahead. The best part: I have more time to write.”

– F.T. Bradley, author of the Double Vision series


“Dan isn’t about shortcuts, but connecting with readers in a deeper way. This is what I wanted as a writer. I wanted to find my true, authentic audience. I wanted to continue to make a difference in the lives of my readers. He helped me stay on the right path. Dan is the real deal, he cares.”

– Barbara Techel, author of Through Frankie’s Eyes


Thomas Greanias“Dan not only helps you find out who you are as an author, but who your readers are and how to make that special, magic connection.”

– Thomas Greanias, New York Times Bestselling author


Cali Williams Yost“Dan is an invaluable partner to guide you along your journey from creation to execution.”

– Cali Williams Yost author of Tweak It: Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day


Beth McMullen“Dan provided a framework and roadmap to help me move beyond my inaction and panic, to develop my platform and grow my readership. By breaking the work down into chunks, it became manageable instead of insurmountable. What I gained was a sense of control, and I no longer felt overwhelmed.”

– Beth McMullen, author of Spy Mom


Susan Chritton“Dan guided me to take the steps that I needed to find my authentic voice as a writer, speaker, and to help me develop an online presence. I appreciated the depth of his knowledge, the kindness of his guidance, and the solid process in which to follow. I now recommend Dan to every writer that I meet.”

– Susan Chritton, author of Personal Branding For Dummies


Shirley Showalter“Dan knows and cares about the inner needs of the writer, and has a broad and up-to-date understanding of the rapidly changing publishing industry. I rely on him to help me navigate the whitewater of authorship.”

– Shirley H. Showalter, author of Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World

Why Work With Me

DanBlankIf you are wondering if I am the right fit for your needs, here is a little bit of my background:

  • I have worked with thousands of creative professionals. My days are spent in the trenches with these people – none of this is theory to me – it is always framed in the everyday reality of what truly works for connecting with an audience.
  • I have worked with amazing organizations who support creative people, such as Penguin Random House, Hachette Book Group, Sesame Workshop, Workman Publishing, J. Walter Thompson, Abrams Books, Writers House, The Kenyon Review, Writer’s Digest, Library Journal, and many others.
  • I have helped launch hundreds of email newsletters and blogs; I’ve built dozens of websites; developed podcasts, videos, and even Kickstarter campaigns; and I’ve consulted on marketing strategies with huge publishers and organizations that serve creative professionals. Plus, I have run my own company for years, meaning that I have had to become the master of hundreds of tiny technical details for “getting out there.”

I think what is equally important is that my days are spent with creative professionals, and my entire life has been spent surrounded by creators hoping to make their mark. As for myself, I have been an artist, a poet, a musician, a paper sculptor, a writer, a publisher, a photographer, a teacher, a radio DJ, a cartoonist, and an entrepreneur.

You also are given access to my amazing team:

Teri CaseTeri Case facilitates my mastermind group and other backend processes.
Julia GrellaJulia Grella helps with the strategy and execution of social media.
DianeKrause250Diane Krause is instrumental in strategy work, plus the nuts and bolts of editing and publishing.
Alanna BamberAlanna Bamber does graphic design for my clients.

If you want to get a sense of my work? Here are some examples:

How to Get Started

If you are hoping to bring your vision out into the world in a meaningful way — one that has an impact — consider reaching out to me. No, I’m not going to give you some form to fill out, email me directly:

Let me know what you are working on, the big challenge you are facing, and how you hope I can help.

(Bonus points if you add the subject line: “Dan, I’m ready to get it done.”)

I only take 6 clients per quarter. This is your chance to take meaningful action.