Why Social Proof is the Key to Building Your Brand Online

Dan BlankI like to think that if someone creates a great piece of work, that the world discovers and spreads it simply because the quality of the work cannot go unnoticed. That greatness is an end unto itself.

But this usually isn’t the case. Great bands are not all discovered. Great paintings sit in attics, unappreciated. Great writing goes unread. Great blogs languish.

So when you approach your goals, sure, you need to create great content, a great product or a great service. But you also to know how to spread the word, and how to ensure it serves a community.

For a long time, we called this “marketing.” I put it in quotes because it tends to refer to traditional broadcast marketing – one person shouting at the crowd. And then shouting again. Then shouting again.

Sure, hat still works and to some degree, that will always work. But it tends to be expensive; And it tends to be hit or miss; And it tends to be annoying.

Oddly enough, Google works in a similar way to how real people work. Let’s consider how Google ranks search results. It doesn’t judge what’s best strictly in terms of ‘quality’ and send people to those web pages. Instead, Google measures a variety of factors, and it gives more credence to what’s popular – what has gained STATUS.

Google doesn’t have time to judge content based strictly on the quality of the content alone. And let’s face it, neither do most people. It’s too much effort and too subjective. So we look for social guideposts to trust. Google does this. People do this.

For example, we don’t all use Facebook because we each individually reviewed their feature set and judged it to be a superior social network. We simply went where our friends were. Likely, each and every one of us were holdouts in some way or another, unconvinced of Facebook’s value until ENOUGH social proof was there to bother joining.

When you create your blog, when you become active on Twitter, when you build your online brand (be it personal or business), consider the social proof that exists on the web pointing to your value.

How do you create your social proof? Well, it’s all about sharing, caring and helping.

Sounds silly, I know.

Some people feel that social proof is a numbers game. So they follow 20,000 people on Twitter, hoping that 20,000 people follow them back. They connect to anyone in the world on LinkedIn to show that they have 500+ connections. They feed the echo chamber of the blogosphere by posting the same news as everyone else.

But there are other ways that value REAL connection, REAL trust, REAL meaning that has little to do with numbers. Do you sleep soundly at night because you know you have 200 ‘friends,’ or because you know you have ONE friend that you can call anytime and who understands you?HUGE difference.

How do you build social proof? Well, you share, care and help. Here are some easy ways to consider:

  • Guest blogging: Offer to share your insights & value on someone else’s blog.
  • ReTweeting great content on Twitter.
  • Book speaking engagements & workshops at local & industry events.
  • Comment on people’s Facebook updates.
  • Become active on LinkedIn Answers (and similar forums).

So inherently, building your own social proof is all about building OTHER PEOPLE’S social proof. Funny how that works. I suppose it’s the whole karma thing.

So if you want to create a great blog, you don’t just show up everyday for your OWN blog, but you also show up for others all over the web. This is what services like StumbleUpon and Digg are created on also. Facebook’s new ‘like’ feature is based on this. The web is increasingly based on this.

When you are trying to build your brand and competencies online, consider the social proof you are building, not just the content alone.

So many writers don’t succeed because they banked on the quality of the writing alone – in isolation. The theory is that one day, SOMEONE will read their work, discover the value, and it will spread like wildfire.

And sure, some artists weren’t appreciated in their own time, but are now hailed as the great masters, whose work trades for millions of dollars. But don’t bank on that happening to you. Build your social proof by matching your great content with the ability to helping and sharing with others.



Social Media Savvy in Just 15 Minutes a Day

Dan BlankThere is no one-size-fits-all way to leverage social media. So today, I want to look at three different ways you can build your brand online, depending on how much time and energy you have on a given day. The goal is to engage with social media without being swallowed by it.

  • Mild Pruning (15 Minutes a Day)
    You are swamped today, you have tons of things to do for work, for your family, for yourself. How do you keep ‘in the loop’ on social media – see and be seen, when your head and body are in 40 other placesThe bottom line is, you are going to have to let some things go when it comes to social media. So let’s focus on the most critical elements.Likely, you won’t have time today to share some incredible thought on Twitter. If you do, that’s awesome. But if not, then you goal should be to find one thing – JUST ONE – that someone you know shared that you think is outstanding.

    Now, be careful to not just go for the biggest story. If you are Tweeting about someone finding the new iPhone in a bar, you have to realize you are the billionth person Tweeting about that.

    Look for the piece of insight that is unique, helpful and intriguing. Something that wouldn’t normally hit everyone else’s radar.

    This is how you are helping ADD to the conversation, not just be another wall in the echo chamber.

    So how do you find this one incredible item with just 15 minutes in your day. I’ll give you two ideas.

    First: use a program like Tweetdeck, and create a ‘high priority’ list of people you follow. Just 10-20 people who are a bit off the radar or are incredible thinkers and sharers. The connectors of the world. If you have this column, their Tweets will be easy to follow.

    If you don’t have that kind of setup, then it’s just a matter of scanning Twitter with purpose. I follow 500+ people, and sometimes I have those days: zero time, but I still want to be present, and still want to share something cool.

    So this part is all about self-discipline. Scanning the people you follow on Twitter quickly, without getting distracted by anything but that one nugget of gold. Sometimes I will go through Twitter, and copy and paste multiple ‘potential’ ReTweets into a text file, and then decide which one is most valuable and unique only once I have found several candidates. This may sound silly, but sometimes I ReTweet too quickly, and realize that many many others have already Tweeted about the same story already. What this means is that the unique value of my Tweet would be diminished unless I chose something VERY helpful, but a bit off the radar.

  • Mid-Level Landscaping (1 Hour a Day)
    Perhaps you have a busy day, with a few meetings at work, a deadline coming up in three days, and the usual lot of email. But you know you will have little breaks throughout the day, enough time and space in your head to actively engage in social media – how do you do it most effectively?They key is to have specific goals and then chunk those goals into segmented blocks throughout your day.

    Some goals might be: monitor mentions of your company on social media; identify 5 new people who are interested in your field; create status updates yourself; push forward relationships via @replies, comments on blogs and forum updates; etc.

    For each of these, set priorities and a specific focus. If you know you can spend a single hour of time on social media today, create a schedule, perhaps something like this:

    30 minutes: 10am-10:30am to check status updates from all of your connections across social networks and send out one update on each yourself.
    15 minutes: 1:15pm-1:30pm to check status updates again and reply to people via @replies, comments, etc.
    15 minutes: 4:15pm-4:30pm to give one last check in on status updates and replies.

    In this example, we made a few choices. First, we are only focusing on business hours, which tends to be the time that many social networks are most active. Second, we created clear but simple goals and spread them out. It’s a mistake to think you can just write a blog post and share it in 30 minutes. Maybe you can, but you know what, maybe you can’t. Third, we combined listening & sharing, the two most important ways to use social media.

    This was a pretty simple example, but this structure really works wonders, and takes the pressure off of ‘keeping up with social media’ when you have a pretty full day with other priorities.

    The overall goal here is to: Be present on social media, but also be present in the rest of your life as well.

  • Full-On Gardening (2 Hours a Day)
    Whether it’s because you have a chunk of free time, or because you have a need to aggressively ‘be there’ in social media, you need to attack the day, ensuring that you connect and create as much as possible online. You are on a mission, you need to grow.Inherently, this is about LISTENING, and there are so many ways to do this. From reading Tweets of those you follow, to leveraging Twitter search, reading blogs, asking & answering questions on LinkedIn and uploading photos to Facebook. And heck, that could just be for starters.

    The danger here is that you can get lost in social media, and get to the end of your week having created nothing.

    Being active on social media can sometimes be akin to running on a treadmill and not getting anywhere.

    So you need to start the day with goals that are meaningful and measurable. For this step I will simply recommend the advice I shared yesterday:

    Creation before connection.

Overall, regardless of the time you have available, the goal is to engage, create and help. Whether you can focus on 1 great interaction per day, or 20, make sure that you are creating unique value for yourself and your community.



1 Tip for Using Social Media but Avoiding Information Overload

Dan BlankToday, I want to share a tip on how to take advantage of social media to grow your brand and connect with others – WITHOUT getting overwhelmed. Information overload is the enemy. Here’s the trick to productivity: it’s all about prioritization.

I have this motto I try to follow each morning for using social media:

“Creation Before Connection”

What I mean is that before I connect to the world online, and begin REACTING to it, I wake up each day and first create something original, something that is purely an action that relates to my goals.

A while back, this is how my day would often start:

  • Check Facebook
  • Check work email via Blackberry
  • Check personal email (across 3 accounts)
  • Check Twitter
  • Check news (Techmeme, NYTimes)

This was often the result:

  • An hour spent CONSUMING
  • 5-10 tabbed browser windows open with interesting articles and ideas I wanted to follow up on.

And it wasn’t even 7am yet. In my mind, I was already overwhelmed, I was already behind. Information overload had set in.  Sure, I was inspired and excited, but I had created nothing, and not yet even looked at my real work for the day.

So I was already starting my day by falling behind, allowing others to determine my focus and spend my time reacting, not acting.

Connecting online via social media can be powerful way to move your career and business forward. But you have to be careful: Writing 3,000 Tweets alone will not build what you need; Reading 100 articles a day educates & inspires you, but consumption alone will not inspire others and show them your value.

How to Conquer Information Overload Before it Starts

So this is how I try to approach social media and online communication nowadays…

Each evening, write down a handful of goals for the next day. I mean, things you NEED to accomplish to have a sense that you are moving forward in your career, your business, your passion and your life.

When you wake up, before you open Facebook or email or anything else, read this list. That is critical. Read it as early as possible, so that as you brush your teeth or step into the shower, your brain is already being framed for the day by these goals.

Next, do something – ANYTHING – to take a step toward with one of these goals. Even if you just open a Word document and brainstorm 3 sentences that are meant to be the start of that book you are meaning to write; Even if it means opening up a blank email, addressing it to your boss, and writing the subject line to that big report you need to deliver today; Or maybe it’s opening up your calendar to flesh out an upcoming trip to a conference, where you identify your schedule, your goals, who you will meet and how you will get the most out of it.

The idea here is to get past the emotional barrier of some of these larger goals. If you’ve already started them, there is less of a barrier to put them off until later.

Do these things BEFORE you open email, before you bring up a browser window that has CNN.com, before you check Twitter of Facebook, before you check your Blackberry.

You will never build anything of unique value of you are merely reacting to the many WEAK SIGNALS coming in from all sides. You need to create a STRONG SIGNAL of your own by framing your day around your goals.



Book Giveaway! Energize Your Online Business

Dan Blank and Darren RowseUPDATE 4/28/10: The contest has ended and winner has been chosen. Thanks to all who entered!
Win three books: Linchpin, Rework and Problogger the book. Details below…

You really can earn a living because of blogging. I don’t mean by getting paid per post or because of Google AdSense ads, but because blogging builds a platform for your life and career that allows you to reach your goals.

Here’s why blogging delivers:

  • You establish yourself as an expert.
  • You make your value apparent to your audience.
  • You train yourself to GIVE each day, by sharing advice and information on the blog.

I’ve known people who have gotten book deals because of their blogs, who have built lucrative speaking careers because of their blog and who are now considered experts in their field, ALL because they chose to blog.

A few years ago I had a chance to meet Darren Rowse at an event in New York City. Darren is well-known as the man behind Problogger.net – a blog that shares tips to make your blog a success.

It was his first trip here, and I was amazed that after a week in town, he was stuck in midtown, and hadn’t been to areas such as Greenwich Village and SoHo. So my wife & I gave he, his wife, and their first son a tour of lower Manhattan.

It was such a nice day, and really proved to me what an incredible person Darren is.

Book GiveawayI want to share that with you today. So I’m giving away a copy of a great book on blogging written by Darren and Chris Garrett. It’s the new edition of ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income which was just released today.

As a BONUS, I am throwing in a copy of Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. This bestseller helps you rethink how to manage your business and career in order to achieve your goals, instead of getting wrapped up in tasks that don’t deliver value.

As a DOUBLE BONUS, I’m also adding in a copy of Seth Godin’s book Linchpin.

So one person will win all three books, shipped to their door directly from Amazon, for free.

How do you enter? Simply leave a comment below answering the question:

“Why do you blog?”

If you already blog, just share why it’s important to you. If you are just starting out, just share one of your goals. If you don’t blog and don’t plan to, tell me why.

The rules:

  • The contest is only open to people within the Continental U.S. (sorry about that, I do appreciate all of you though.)
  • Please enter only once.
  • Be sure to add your email address when entering the comment. Do this in the ’email’ field – it won’t be published live on the blog, but I will be able to see it so I can contact you if you’ve won.
UPDATED: I will be picking a winner… tomorrow, Tuesday April 27th at Noon EST
EXTENDED ONE DAY: Wednesday April 28 at Noon EST.
Good luck!
-Dan Blank
Twitter: @DanBlank

Will You Be Willy Loman or Willy Wonka?

Dan BlankWhat will you be in 10 years? How will you define yourself? How will your kids or neighbors define you? When you meet people at a party, the first thing they ask oftentimes is “…and what do you do?”

How will you answer that question?

If you are a Marketing Manager, is your goal 5 years from now to have the word ‘senior’ in front of your title, and another $20,000 added to your salary? Will that satisfy you?

In a November blog post, I asked this question:

“Will You Be Willy Loman or Willy Wonka?”

And this is how I framed it:

“These are decisions that don’t come in a dramatic movie-like fashion, but in small ways, in small moments, every day. There is no immediate reward for those who seek the more difficult path to shape the future, rather than walk the path that others have forged. Yes, it is safer to move ahead once the market has been created, best practices established and rewards guaranteed – but does that create the legacy you are looking for?”

And what I am really asking is: will you be a cog, or will you redefine the machine? Will you expand the world, or will you be another stone in the road slowing others down?

I’ve been asking myself these questions. My wife and I expect our first child in August, and I’ve been asking myself: who do I want his or her father to be?

Nobody looks in the mirror and expects to see Willy Loman staring back. Likely, we don’t expect Willy Wonka to stare back either. We expect something in between. Something middle of the road, something expected, something that neither offends nor bores. And I would bet you anything that Willy Loman didn’t see Willy Loman when he looked in the mirror. He saw an essential and respected member of society, doing right by everyone.

The future happens one day at a time. How are you creating that future? How are you learning, growing, helping? How are you doing that today?

I’ve been asking myself that question.

So I’m creating We Grow Media. I’m creating it to push myself forward by helping others grow through learning new skills, creating incredible content, meaningful connections and a chance to realize their dreams.

In four months, a child arrives in my life and will change everything. That child will challenge and inspire. He or she will require every resource I can conjure up, and then some.

But that child will also look up at me, and eventually ask: “… and what do you do?”

And right now, I am working on that answer. Are you?
