I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching for Mediabistro! Starting in late February, I will teach a 4-week online course: DIGITAL CONTENT STRATEGY. A brief description:
“An effective content strategist is part editor, part marketer, part business analyst. With knowledge of the principles of content strategy, you can adeptly use audience data to drive creative decisions and build a revenue model that sustains a digital media business. ”
“This course will help you define and expand your audience by creating a roadmap for your editorial content that integrates with larger business goals. This strategy will consider brand identity, audience habits, cultural trends, and revenue initiatives.”
Registration is $350. Full details can be found here.
I’m thrilled to be working with Mediabistro, and expanding the number of online courses I am teaching. I also teach two courses for Writer’s Digest (Blogging 101 and Social Media 101), as well as Build Your Author Platform through this site.
I have added a few more speaking events to the 2012 calendar. Here is where I will be this year:
- Book^2 Camp – February 12, 2012
- Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCWBI)– I’ll be speaking at a chapter event. March 2012
- National Association of Memoir Writers – I am speaking at the NAMW Telesummit Memoir Writing in the Digital Age. March 2012
- American Society of Journalists and Authors Annual Conference: “Finding Fame and Fortune with Facebook and Google+” April 27, 2012
- Backspace Writers Conference – May 2012
- The Writers’ Conference at Hunter College – June 9
- Thrillerfest July 14, 2012
- Self-Publishing Book Expo – Oct 2012
More is in the works, I feel so fortunate to work with so many wonderful individuals and organizations.