I am thrilled to announce the Winter 2012 edition of my 8-week online course for writers: BUILD YOUR AUTHOR PLATFORM. This is an intensive course that helps you establish your writing career and grow your audience.
What This Course Provides:
- A cohesive strategy for creating your brand as an author – to build your author platform.
- Specific tactics to grow your audience.
- A framework to focus your efforts with clear goals and actionable steps to reach them.
- How to best communicate what your work is about in a way that it aligns to the existing needs and desires of your audience.
- Ways to find and engage a community of people who will become your fans.
- How to create the online elements of your author platform, such as a website and blog.
- Tips to best leverage and manage social media.
I have also lined up INCREDIBLE guest speakers, including:
Structure of the Course
The course is designed to balance flexibility and a personal connection:
- 8 week online course, February 1 – March 27, 2012
- A structured curriculum, with a new lecture delivered each week, taking you step by step through the process of how to develop your author platform.
- Weekly homework assignments that I provide feedback on to ensure that you walk away from the course having built the core aspects of your platform.
- A forum where you can ask questions, learn about what is and isn’t working for the other class members, and get past the biggest challenges you are facing.
- Weekly Q&A conference calls where I answer your questions and the entire class can share insight into their experience.
- An online classroom where you can access the material and learn about the other students, which can be accessed from anywhere with a web connection.
The course costs $799, and you can read full details here.
Free Webinar!
If you are even mildly interested, please consider joining me on Thursday January 26th at 1pm ET for a free webinar: Why You Need An Author Platform. Register for it here:
If you have any questions, just let me know. Thanks!