Create. Share. Grow.

In looking back at this week, one where each day seemed unlike the previous, where all of society changed at once, I’m considering the small actions we can take to create. And to share what you create with others in a way that inspires and helps them grow.

This is an incredible power that we all hold.

This ability to create something from nothing. A story. A song. A helpful piece of advice. And so much more.

Fred Rogers once said:

“My mother used to say whenever there was a catastrophe: “Always look for the helpers. There will always be helpers.”

Around me I am seeing those helpers. Yes, of course the people on the front lines of helping those who are in danger or suffering. But I’m also seeing how writers, artists, musicians, and so many other creators are helping.

They are creating. Sharing. And teaching others how to do the same.

Just this morning I saw artist Samantha Dion Baker launching #DrawYourDayKids to encourage parents and kids to use this time together to draw the world around them.

Too often, people treat creating and sharing like a fad diet. They are either on it or off it. They are either working on the novel or taking a break from it.

But creating and sharing can — and should — be the fabric of your life. A daily action.

Small acts of creativity allow you to grow as a person. To explore who you are and what you are capable of.

These creative moments allow those around you to experience the creative process simply by observing you. You may not notice this at first, but it may trigger something in them. As a parent of young kids, I can’t tell you how often I notice my wife work on art, and then a little while later, the kids mimic her and create their own.

More than all of this, when you create, it helps those that you share it with to experience something meaningful.

You don’t need to have a big plan or goal to create. You don’t need your own hashtag.

Every single creative micro-action helps. What is a micro-action? It is the simplest action you can take to move an idea forward.

Do you want to write an epic novel? Think of one character. Boom, you have started. You are now writing a novel, even before a single word hit the page.

As I look back on my week, I am considering the micro-actions I took to create and share:

  • I wrote my next book every single day.
  • I recorded and published a podcast episode.
  • I sent invitations to 5 people to invite them onto my podcast.
  • I played guitar every day.
  • I had 16 long phone calls with writers.
  • And I’m writing this very piece that you are reading now.

Each of these actions were small in the moment. But they add up. I also worked out almost every day of the past week, which is a great example for how health happens: one small workout at a time. Your ability to create and share happens the same way, one micro-action at a time.

Next week I will begin sharing a video series to help you take more micro-actions to create, share, and grow. They are free and I’m going to be posting them on all of my channels so that they are as accessible to you as possible. To be a part of it, simply follow me on your social network of choice:

Instagram: @DanBlank
Twitter: @DanBlank

Thank you so much.