I spend the last few months of every year reassessing what I create, and how I can better serve writers and creators. Every single year, I go back to the well to reconnect with my deeper purpose for this work. My goal is to help people share their creative work in a meaningful way, one that leads to fulfillment and success.
I can use your help. Could you take a couple minutes and answer these questions:
- What is your biggest challenge when it comes to how you share or market your work?
- What are your goals for your creative work?
- What do you create? What kind of writing or art?
- What milestone do you hope to reach next as it comes to sharing/marketing?
- Are there specific channels or tactics you want help with more than others? (E.G: newsletters, TikTok, podcast outreach, etc)
You can answer these questions by filling out this questionnaire. Your answers will directly effect what resources I offer to help writers and creators like you better share their work.
I have the pleasure of talking with writers every day, and diving deep into the work of creating and sharing. I’ve done this kind of reassessment the last quarter of each year for a long time, about a decade. I’m always trying to get more clarity the goals and challenges of writers and creators. To me, this work has to be intentional. I do this because I want to grow as a creator and someone who serves writers and creators.
I’m 48 years old, and I want each year to be filled with personal growth. To challenge myself in new ways. To keep what works, and ditch what doesn’t. I want to come home to my family from my studio feeling alive because my days are filled with inspiring writers who are finding success in connecting with readers. I want to feel challenged by the creative process. Each year, I want to feel that this year is not like the last.
For my own process of assessment, I’ve followed the same system for years. It’s a three part program that I used to teach in my (no defunct) Mastermind group where I collect all of my learnings and ideas, organize them, then strategize. Right now I am analyzing my current system of how to help writers best share their work, stress testing each component, and identifying any gaps I can find. My goal is to simplify so that everything I offer to directly addresses what writers need in an immediate and powerful way. I want to focus on results that will truly move writers towards their goals and solve their biggest challenges.
In my book Be the Gateway, I talk about a similar process of spending time listening to your ideal reader. I am doubling down on that myself because my goal is to be of the best service possible writers.
If you have a moment, it would mean a lot to me if you would answer the questions at the top of this note by filling out this questionnaire.