I will be attending and presenting at a number of publishing and writing events this year, and am excited to announce that I will be in Boston in May at the Grub Street Muse and the Marketplace. These are all wonderful events, please consider saying hello if you are attending any of them:
- Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCWBI)– I’ll be speaking at a chapter event, March 2012
- Publishing Business Conference & Expo: “Mobile Strategy Summit for Book Publishers,” March 20, 2012
- National Association of Memoir Writers – “NAMW Telesummit Memoir Writing in the Digital Age,” March 2012
- American Society of Journalists and Authors Annual Conference: “Finding Fame and Fortune with Facebook and Google+” April 27, 2012
- Grub Street’s The Muse & the Marketplace 2012: “The Writer As Entrepreneur,” May 5, 2012
- Backspace Writers Conference: “The Writer as Marketer: Using Social Media and Digital Tools to Build a Platform, Connect with Readers and Grow Your Community Online,” May 25, 2012
- The Writers’ Conference at Hunter College: “Self Publishing Panel,” June 9, 2012
- Thrillerfest July 14, 2012
- Self-Publishing Book Expo: “How to Target Your Niche Market and Develop Your Audience,” October 27, 2012