I just finished an incredible couple of days mingling with writers at Writer’s Digest Conference, 2012.
As usual, the event takes place in New York City, home of tall buildings:
The calm before the storm:
A first look at the crowd, about 400 writers in attendance:
The keynote by A.J. Jacobs, sharing his amusing experiences writing about his life:
A common appearance: laptops, iPads, and mobile phones, all taking notes:
We got a bit of snow on Saturday, but nothing like what we received during the 2011 conference:
And there were moments of sunshine:
My session at the event: “Becoming an Author Entrepreneur”
Me speaking:
George Davis covers Christina Katz session:
James Scott Bell’s session on craft was literally standing room only:
Some authors were selling and signing their wares. I picked up Barry Eisler’s book, as well as Christina Katz’:
Christina Katz signing her book:
Barry Eisler gave the keynote on Saturday, a very honest look at not just his views on publishing, but the revenue streams that support it:
The crowd around Barry after his talk:
The lineup for the Pitch Slam, where authors get something like 3 minutes to pitch agents with their book idea:
Agents waiting for writers:
The floodgates are unleashed:
And the lineups begin:
My wife and son joined me at the venue. He is not yet writing:
A night on the town with friends from the publishing world. New York lights even make slush look romantic:
Writer’s Digests’ own Phil Sexton introduce a panel I was on called “Hardcore Author Marketing”
Kate Travers answering a question from the audience:
Me on the panel with Kate Travers:
Overall, a really great event. Thank you so much to the organizers, speakers, and everyone who attended!