In the next week, I am excited to be a part of three major events for writers and publishers:
- Writer’s Digest Conference – I am presenting this session: “Becoming an Author Entrepreneur: The Business of Being a Writer and Building Your Platform” and on the “Hardcore Author Marketing – What to Do to Rise Above in the Digital Age” panel.
- Digital Book World – I am running a 3-hour workshop titled “Measuring Content Strategy ROI: What, Why and How to Present It”
- Columbia School of Journalism Social Media Weekend – I am participating as a “social media doctor,” and moderating a panel with employees from Mashable titled: “Mashable’s Secrets: What we can learn from one of the largest online news communities.”
Other upcoming speaking events include:
- February: Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCWBI) – I am speaking at a chapter event.
- March: National Association of Memoir Writers – I am speaking at the NAMW Telesummit Memoir Writing in the Digital Age.
- April: American Society of Journalists and Authors – I am on this panel: “Finding Fame and Fortune with Facebook and Google+.”
- July: Thrillerfest – I will be speaking on a panel.
So excited for these events, and will likely speak at other events for publishers and writers.